
Grundkurs Manuelle Therapie in der Handtherapie

Basic course finger-thumb-wrist EN/DK

Kursnr. 1628
28.03.202509:00 bis 16:30 Uhr
29.03.202509:00 bis 16:30 Uhr
Kursort Horsens (DK)
ReferentIn Herr Ebbe Blichfeldt
Unterrichtseinheiten 18
Kursinhalte - Anatomy, biomechanics and pathologies of the finger, thumb and hand
- Palpation of all bones and joint structures of the fingers, thumb and hand
- Examination using e.g. B. active and passive movement tests, traction tests, compression tests
- Treatment using e.g. B. active and passive movements, traction mobilizations,
Compression mobilizations
- Development of special therapy plans for selected pathologies
e.g. B. Osteoarthritis of finger and thumb joints, Z. after fractures or dislocations, distal forearm fractures,
Lunate malacia, nonunion of the scaphoid, degenerative changes of the wrist, ganglia,
Carpal tunnel syndromes
- Explanations of imaging procedures (e.g. X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound)
- This course is taught in English and Danish EN_GB / DK, a cooperation of Ebbe Blichfeldt and Peter van den Berg
- The course fee is 285 Euro, which is approximately 2100 DKK
Preis 285 €
  Rabattfähig [für Infos hier klicken]
  DAHTH anrechnungsfähig
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